
Something to think about that perhaps we have overlooked...

Just IMHO, the DTEK50 is going to be something that IT managers take a hard look at deploying as a fleet phone. Why do I say that? Well, there are several things that might do it:

a) Price- $299, compared to $800 for an iPhone, or $500-900 for other Android offering. Bean-Counters will rejoice.
b) Security- I think we are not appreciating this facet as much as it should be appreciated, especially in this day and age of the phone/database hacks. I think that feature will endear itself to IT/Purchasing managers who have to deploy secure infrastructure in a corporate environment. Same with Government.
c) Fast updates for security patches, see b) above.
d) It is Android, and there are a lot of apps out there.
e) A good size and memory for a corporate phone.

Remember in the long run the bean-counters have a great deal of sway over what phones are deployed, sometimes even more so than the IT guys. So to the Bean-Counters, while you might have an uber-secure iPhone, if you can offer a phone at a third of the cost, that is just as secure, what do you think they will make you purchase? Could this be the phone that saves Blackberry in the corporate world? It might not save it in the casual user world where most of us live, but in the corporate world.....?


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