Rumors recently circled that legendary Pokemon has started appearing on Pokemon Go players accounts. Articuno, in particular, was allegedly spotted in Ohio. Before we could even confirm that these rumors were true, Niantic took action and has announced that any and all legendary Pokemon have been stripped from all accounts.
The most vetted claim of a Legendary Pokemon acquisition comes to us from user kaitcovey, who says that they reported an in-game issue to Niantic, and the company gave them an Articuno as an apology for the issue. Niantic says that this Pokemon was accidentally released prematurely and has since been removed.
See also: New York law aims to protect children from sex offenders using Pokemon GoThis probably sucks pretty bad for kaitcovey and anyone who was elated to discover that a Legendary Bird Pokemon had been added to their account. Niantic promises that legendary Pokemon are on their way, but the game isn’t quite ready for them yet.
Niantic hasn’t been making a whole lot of friends among their userbase as of late. The company recently updated their massively popular game in such a way that removed most meaningful tracking methods and which banned third party Pokemon tracking services. Users were, to say the least, less than thrilled.
What are your thoughts regarding Niantics decisions to evidently give specific players legendary Pokemon and then revoke them from accounts? Let us know your take in the comments below!
Next: Japanese officials plead with Niantic to remove Pokemon Go sites from Hiroshima memorial
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