
WYSIWYG SMS characters question. Is it chomp SMS or Contacts in S7 doing this?

I sent the following message to chomp SMS help but trying here too.

This isn't really a bug or problem but it is a flaw for me. The thing is, I don't even know if it is controlled by chomp SMS. It may be something in Contacts in my Galaxy S7.

It drives me crazy when I try to send a phone number in DIGITS to someone in a text but it is automatically translated to a clickable contact link. I try putting dots between each character and even that doesn't always work.

Is there any way to make it type only what I enter into the keyboard? In case this isn't clear…when I type '615.400.XXXX' I want to see '615.400.XXXX' NOT 'Dave Staats' as a hyperlink. It is maddening and I have looked everywhere I can find for the answer.


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