Confideal is a new smart contracts platform that seeks to make it easier than ever for users to interact with smart contracts and create their own uses for blockchain technology. While it is possible to create smart contracts manually on the Etherium blockchain, this typically requires advanced coding skills, or at the very least the additional cost of employing a developer. additionally, in the event that there is a conflict it is often required to bring in third-party arbitration, who may not even be familiar with smart contracts and their properties. By making it straightforward to visually create, manage and enforce smart contracts, they are making a full stack of tools available to the general public, letting them take advantage of things usually reserved for programmers.
The ecosystem consists of three parts, a smart contract builder, and arbitration module, and the CDL token. The smart contract builder is a user-friendly platform that can be used to create Ethereum smart contracts visually, without coding. The arbitration module offers non-biased, experienced arbiters and legal firms to settle disputes from within the Confideal platform. The CDL token is the internal cryptocurrency for Confideal platform which allows users to access Confideal’s services and vote for arbiters. This allows for internal auditing of the arbitration system, ensuring that arbitration is consistently fair.
While there have been several attempts at creating visual smart contract development tools, Confideal stands out by lending itself to a variety of use cases, as well as integrating arbitration modules. For example, within the cryptocurrency community, their visually program smart contracts could be applied to ICO’s and the creation of ERC20 tokens. This could also facilitate affiliate systems, e-commerce and online services. For individuals you could involve freelancing or programming of smart home systems, even escrow and leasing deals could take advantage of the platform. Within small business use cases, internal and international trade will become visually programmable,
The new product will be integrated with existing cryptocurrency tools, such as MetaMask. Users are currently able to test out the service live on the Ropsten test Network and audit the contract for free. The ICO will officially launch on the 22nd of November with a total token supply of one hundred million CDL tokens. Each thousand CDL tokens will be sold for one ether, with a bonus depending on the amount of ether collected during the ICO. Nearly 75% of tokens will be distributed during the ICO, with 10% going to the team and another 6% reserved for pre-ICO participants. The remainder of tokens will be used for promotional activities, advisors and bounty campaigns. More than half of all funds will be spent on product development and business development, with the other half of the budget going towards marketing operations legal and a reserve.
Confideal boasts a strong team of 14 members, many of whom have already worked on numerous ICOs. The project also features the support of several established cryptocurrency investment funds, including Cryptonomica, Byzantium ICO Agency and ICOPromo. Those interested participating in the Confideal ICO are advised to take a look at the project white paper, available at Confideal.io.
Disclosure: This is a Sponsored Article.
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