Google is reportedly preparing an Assistant-powered device with a large display to take on Amazon and its Echo Show. According to a report by TechCrunch, it’s codenamed “Manhattan” and will have a screen size similar to that of its biggest rival, so around 7-inches.
In addition to Assistant, the new device is said to support YouTube, Google Photos, as well as video calling. It will also serve as a smart hub, allowing you to control the smart devices in your home. It looks like it might work the same way as Google Home, with the addition of letting you watch videos, photos, and video chat with friends and family.
The device is expected to run Android, making it easier for developers to build apps for it. There’s a rumor that Netflix might make its way to Manhattan, although this hasn’t been confirmed yet.
The initial plan was for the device to be released in mid-2018, but Google might speed things up and launch it this year due to the increased competition on the market. Although we don’t expect to see it revealed alongside the Pixel 2 series next month, Google could use the event to share more details about it.
Google's Echo Show competitor might not bring anything new to the table.
If it will prove to be as successful as the Google Home or Amazon Echo, is anyone’s guess right now. One could argue that adding a screen to a smart speaker doesn’t really bring a lot of value to users. You can already watch YouTube videos on your smartphone, tablet, PC, and even a smart TV. Don’t have one? Get a Google Chromecast and the problem is solved.
The same goes for Google Photos, video calling, and any other app the company might bring to Manhattan. All of these services are accessible via smartphones and other devices, meaning that Google’s Echo Show competitor might not really bring anything new to the table.
At least that’s how it seems at this point, although nothing has been confirmed yet. But if this will indeed be the case, some will find it hard to justify getting Manhattan over a device like Google Home, especially because of the higher price tag it’s expected to come with.
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